Double Crust Apple Pie

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What you’ll need

You shop for many of these ingredients with your Bridge Card and Double Up Food Bucks.

White flour
2 cups
Whole wheat flour
2 cups
1 1/2 cups
2 tsp
Pioneer sugar
2 tbsp
Cold water
10-12 tbsp
Michigan McIntosh Apples, peeled and sliced
6 lbs
1 1/2 tbsp
Pioneer light brown sugar
1 lb
Salted butter, melted
1/3 stick
White flour
4-6 tbsp


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Michigan Apples


1. Mix all ingredients for crust EXCEPT water and store in fridge - crust chills while filling is prepared.

2. Rinse and drain peeled apple slices. Stir in filling ingredients.

3. Pile filling into bottom crust, which is placed in 10-inch glass pie pan. Place top crust on top of filling.

4. Form a rope look around the edge. Draw an apple on center of top crust and paint with food coloring. Brush milk on crust where not decorated.

5. Place foil around edge of pie. Bake for 15 minutes at 450 degrees, then drop temperature to 350 degrees and bake for another hour to 1 ½ hours, depending on the apples.

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