We Love Our Michigan Roots

In Michigan, fall brings all kinds of delicious, seasonal produce, but we have a special place in our heart for one category in particular: Root vegetables. Since root vegetables like beets, carrots, and potatoes all grow underground, they absorb a lot of nutrients from the soil. Plus they are easy to prepare and store really well (and great to Double Up on!).

Keep reading for facts about Michigan root vegetables, easy recipes that use root vegetables, and a roundup of what’s in season in the fall. 



Availability: In Michigan, fresh beets are available from late July to late October.

How to store: Store beets in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for 7 to 10 days.

Michigan Sugarbeets: Each year, around 4.5 million tons of sugarbeets are planted and harvested by the Michigan Sugar Company before being processed at factories and turned into sugar. 

(Sources: Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development and MSU Extension)


Recipe: Maple-Roasted Beets and Carrots

This recipe simply can’t be… beet!



Availability: Fresh market carrots are available late July through November. Carrots for processing are available throughout the year.

How to store: Carrots will keep for several weeks in the crisper of the fridge in perforated plastic bags.

Michigan Carrots: In 2018, Michigan produced 152 million pounds of carrots, making Michigan the fourth-highest fresh carrot producing state in the country!

(Sources: Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development and MSU Extension)

Recipe: Carrot Muffins

Carrots work well in savory and sweet recipes!



Availability: Michigan potatoes are available year-round

How to store: Store potatoes in a well-ventilated place, ideally at a temperature between 45º F and 55º F.

Michigan Potatoes: Michigan ranks eighth in the nation for potato production with more than 47,000 acres dedicated to growing potatoes and 1.7 billion pounds of potatoes harvested every year!

(Source: Michigan Potatoes)

Recipe: Easy Weeknight Potato Sausage Soup

Potatoes make a hearty base for soups like this one. 


Now that we have sung the praises of root vegetables, we also want to give some love to the other produce that’s in-season right now!

What’s In Season? Fall Edition

Fresh News From Around Michigan

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